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The Snuggle Bears

Learn - Play - Grow

Kid's Kountry has designed a loving and nurturing environment for infants with a "home away from home" feel. Your child will have individual personal care and interaction with others their age to spark beginning curiosity and socialization skills.  


Our infant program will meet the individual needs of each child depending on their developmental age. Teachers will work with your baby regarding large & small motor skills, language development, music & songs. As babies become more active our teachers assist them with crawling, standing, sitting up and those ever important first steps. 


As your little ones body and mind develop our amazing teachers work on transitioning them from bottles to tippy cups, formula or breast milk to 2% milk, as well as pureed foods to table foods. 


The first year of a child's life is a beautifully unique adventure. Our Snuggle Bear Classroom would love to share this wonderful time with you! 

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The Cubbie Bears

Explore - Walk - Sprout 

It's a whole new world as toddlers take to their feet. Your toddler has so many things they want to see and do. Let our skilled teachers help guide them every step of the way. 


Kid's Kountry provides a toddler safe environment to help your child develop their cognitive, language, motor and social behaviors. Toddlers are naturally curious and love to explore the world around them. 


The Cubbie Bears have a simple weekly theme incorporating music, songs, and flannel stories into their daily activities. They are introduced to colors, counting and simple art projects. Those children who are interested in circle time are encouraged to join in on the fun. 


The Cubbie Bears have their own enclosed play area to help heighten outdoor adventures. This area includes a sandbox, slide, swings and numerous riding toys. Running, climbing, throwing and jumping are all valuable skills your toddler will develop in this area as they enjoy the outdoors. 


Our goal in the Cubbie Bear Class is to help your little one grow, spark curiosity and strengthen their unique individual qualities that make their personality one of a kind. 


The Care Bears

Giggle - Skip - Question 

A great deal of social interaction and learning to respect others is a major focus during the start to a child's preschool years. Children at this age are learning to express their thoughts as they begin to exert their independence and understand the world around them. 


In the Care Bear Class the program focuses on the "whole child" by incorporating daily activities which will develop basic educational in addition to fundamental social skills. Weekly themes provide a base for daily activities involving ABC's, numbers, colors and shapes. 


At daily circle time concepts pertaining to letters and sounds are introduced through reading books or puppet plays. Art projects with watercolors, playdouh and shaving cream are exciting new textures that help the Care Bears develop questions about their environment. 


The Care Bear's schedule is somewhat flexible to take into account the mood and feelings of each child. Being two years old can be overwhelming at times and above all a child should always feel safe and loved. 


At any time children in the Care Bear Class will begin showing an interest in toilet training. Our teachers strive to be an extension of your home toilet training program and they work with your child if they become ready for this next step in their life. 


Outdoor play is an exciting time to explore nature. This helps children improve coordination and discover their physical abilities. Sharing and respect for others is the first and foremost while using outdoor equipment. 


Jump aboard the preschool express with the Care Bear Class and see where this exciting stage of life takes them! 




The Panda Bears

Sing - Laugh - Create 

Children feel a sense of community as they learn to interact with others through a variety of social and physical activities. 


In the Panda Bear Class daily reading, songs, circle time and conversations will enable your child to build a solid foundation in language and communication. 


Our curriculum consists of many concepts such as basic math, science, art & music, reading readiness skills and physical activities. 


The teachers use a variety of materials to introduce creativity as well as work on motor skills. These materials include construction paper, sand, paint, tissue paper, just to name a few vibrant items. 


Going for walks to experience the sights and sounds of the great big world provide meaningful adventures to the Panda Bear Class. 


Your child will learn about cause and effect relationships and consequences for behavior that has negative impacts. Our teachers will take time to encourage all children to use their words when needing to express themselves or learn to deal with difficult situations. Situations are discussed to help develop an understanding for one's behavior and how it can influence their classmates. 


In the Panda Bear Class toilet training has mostly worked out its kinks and underwear is on the horizon. Our teachers will be there every step of the way during this challenging time to help make it positive and exciting.





The Gummie Bears

Confidence - Friendship - Success

The Gummie Bear Class curriculum is designed to ensure self-confidence, independence, cooperation and overall respect for others and themselves. Kindergarten readiness will continue to take place to give your child a positive and fun leap into success. 


Our teachers organize the preschool curriculum is organized into themed based units that address topics which encourage your child to develop numerous ideas rooted in math, science, beginning writing and language development. Fine motor skills are enhanced through initial scissor use for projects and working with pencils to write names. As the early stages of letter writing begin it is a true joy to witness the Gummie Bear's excitement as they independently write their name on paper.  Creative and exciting art projects will take place weekly while your child flourishes with new ideas and vibrant thoughts. 


Large motor skills are enhanced with dance, outdoor play and activities, fun games, dramatic play and exciting activities linked to the weekly themes. The Gummie Bears are a very social group as they are learning who they are as individuals in addition to their friends too. As they grow in the classroom your child will learn to make their own choices through play activities while our teachers encourage independent problem solving. Learning is in full swing with out preschool engineers in the Gummie Bear Class! 


The Kodiak Bears

Smile - Question - Observe

The Kodiak Bears have entered the age of pre-kindergarten and will now advance the skills children began to learn in the Gummie Bear Classroom. Our teacher's goal is to provide your child with the best atmosphere possible for positive growth and development. 


From September to June the Kodiaks will cover a different unit each week. The unit will be dissected into parts such as math skills, social skills, reading readiness, writing & spelling, etc. Your child will write in a journal each week to master their handwriting technique. Furthermore, the Kodiak Bears engage in art activities that strengthen specific sight words. This allows them to advance their reading skills and word recognition. These different aspects to units will be touched upon several times throughout the week using different techniques to reach each child's individual learning mechanisms. To highlight the theme the Kodiak Bears also use games, verbal stories, dramatic play, story sequencing and problem solving through reading. 


Self help skills necessary for kindergarten entrance will be focused on throughout the year. Listening skills in addition to following directions independently are tools the Kodiak Bear Class will learn to become proficient in. 


It is imperative that every child feel good about themselves and the environment around them. Our teachers will encourage positive social interactions which will build self esteem and enable children to deal with difficult situations when they arise throughout their learning experiences. Practicing good manners and having respect for others will be expected from all children who attend the Kodiak Bear Class. These basic skills are necessary to work with to instill success within the next step of your child's extraordinary life. 


The Polar Bears

Invent - Think - Design 

Getting ready for Kindergarten is a very exciting time in a young one's life. The goal of the Polar Bear Class is to polish the skills needed to succeed during this important yet amazing stage in your child's life. 


Socially the Polar Bears must be able to work well with each other and respect the individual space of their classmates. While working in groups our teachers will stress cooperation and sharing in addition to the ever important skill set of listening. 


The Polar Bear Class's play based curriculum will allow for flexibility regarding structured and more free based exploration time. The introductory skills that were introduced in the Kodiak Bear Classroom will be mastered as our teachers help your children fine tune their writing and literacy. Books and reading are extremely important, so not a day will go by without books at the Polar Bears fingertips. 


At this stage your child will be able to write their name is ease as they place it on all their art projects. Math skills will focus on counting, sorting, classifying, and matching. Music and creative arts will allow the Polar Bears to showcase their talents. 


The level of independence required at the Kindergarten entrance exam demands that all children be able to practice self-help skills such as tying one's shoes, putting coats and outdoor gear on independently, or buttoning pants. Individual time will be given to each child so they can master these ever important skills before venturing out into the

next step of their life. 


It is never easy to say goodbye to our Polar Bear Class at the end of the summer when it is time for them to start Kindergarten. However, it is one of the most magical gifts to watch each child soar into a school career full of success!




Kid's Kountry has designated spots available for before and after school care. School age children can curl up with a book in the morning or enjoy a happy environment before getting on the bus for their busy day at school. They can start their day with a positive smile and great morning vibes. 


After school children hop off the bus with a mind full of learning and a busy day of work. They can unwind with a quiet snack at which point they get to socialize with other school age children as they discuss their days work. Afterwards they can enjoy time on the playground or take part in afternoon activities in the Polar Bear or Kodiak Bear Classrooms before heading home. A highlight of the day is often finding their younger sibling to greet them with a warm hug and an abundance of new stories from their day at school. 

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